Frequently Asked Questions
We pride ourselves on taking the time to help you make an informed decision about your health care. However, we also value your time and find it easiest to address your concerns in a clear and concise way.

Do you take my insurance?
Dr. Tyler Garapola, DC is in network with major medical providers - Medicare, BayCare, Humana, UnitedHealthCare, and Cigna. That said, your insurance policy must include chiropractic to qualify for billing. If Dr. Garapola is out of network, we will assist you in submitting a superbill for visits which will allow you to seek reimbursement for chiropractic care. If you do not see your insurance provider here, please contact us to verify coverage, as the insurance landscape is always changing.
Dr. Jenna Montana, DC is out of network with all insurance providers.

What is NOT covered by insurance?
Due to limitations on insurance coverage, we cannot bill the following services to insurance:
Acupuncture (treatment or exam)
Massage Therapy
Functional/Lifestyle Medicine Visits
Herbal and Nutritional Supplements
Urinary, Stool, or Saliva Testing

Is Lifestyle/Functional Medicine considered Primary Care?
Functional/Lifestyle medicine is not a replacement for your primary medical care. Functional and lifestyle medicine is best served to help address concerns that are improved by diet, exercise, sleep, and nutritional supplementation.

Do you treat injuries from auto accidents?
We are versed in the personal injury process and work with a variety of providers and attorneys to help you find the support you need. In addition to motor vehicle accidents, we also see patients covered by Worker's Compensation.