Dr. Tyler Garapola, DC
Logan College of Chiropractic, Fall 2014 - Fall 2017
Techniques studied: Diversified, McKenzie Diagnosis and Treatment, Motion Palpation Institute, Active Release Technique, Activator, Instrument-Assisted Myofascial Release, Cox Flexion-Distraction
Pennsylvania State University, Fall 2010 - Spring 2014
​Bachelors of Science in Biological Sciences
My Story
Dr. Tyler Garapola, "Dr. G", is not one to waste much time talking about himself. After graduating from Penn State, he pursued chiropractic in an effort to serve people and help them reduce their reliance on pharmaceutical medications for pain. He is passionate about treating neck pain, back pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions. Combining a thorough examination with traditional chiropractic care, rehabilitative exercise, flexion distraction, and myofascial release, you can expect the best treatment plan for your needs. Dr. G is husband to Dr. Jenna, and the proud father of a little girl and two rambunctious pups. He enjoys experiencing all of the local culture Dunedin has to offer. When he is not in the office, you can find him spending time with family, convincing his wife to go camping with him, or building something around the house.